Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets: A Practical Approach (Wiley Finance) by Luis E. Pereiro

Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets: A Practical Approach (Wiley Finance) by Luis E. Pereiro

Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets: A Practical Approach (Wiley Finance)

Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets: A Practical Approach (Wiley Finance) by Luis E. Pereiro PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A comprehensive guide focusing on the valuation issues for emerging markets
Valuation of Companies in Emerging Economies takes a practical, step-by-step approach to valuing both public and closely held companies in emerging economies for merger or acquisition purposes. These extremely volatile markets present their own special set of challenges, which often differ from country to country. The author provides real world, best valuation practices in both developed and emerging markets and offers links to relevant Internet resources to provide CEOs, CFOs, venture capitalists, and financial analysts with the information they need to accurately value companies around the world.
Luis E. Pereiro (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a consultant who has steered several strategic change projects in multinational corporations such as Bank of America, Union Carbide, and Nissho Iwai. He is Interim Dean of the Universidad Tocuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, as well as Director of its MBA program and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing. His numerous articles have appeared in many prestigious business journals and books.
Over the years, financial professionals around the world have looked to the Wiley Finance series and its wide array of bestselling books for the knowledge, insights, and techniques that are essential to success in financial markets. As the pace of change in financial markets and instruments quickens, Wiley Finance continues to respond. With critically acclaimed books by leading thinkers on value investing, risk management, asset allocation, and many other critical subjects, the Wiley Finance series provides the financial community with information they want. Written to provide professionals and individuals with the most current thinking from the best minds in the industry, it is no wonder that the Wiley Finance series is the first and last stop for financial professionals looking to increase their financial expertise.

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