Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ The Business of Winemaking by Jeffrey L. Lamy

The Business of Winemaking by Jeffrey L. Lamy

The Business of Winemaking

The Business of Winemaking by Jeffrey L. Lamy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Business of Winemaking places all facets of the wine business in perspective for investors, owners, and anyone else who is interested in how the wine business operates. Abundantly illustrated and written in a readily understandable style, the book addresses the technical rudiments of viticulture and enology and all of its related business actions: market analysis, vineyard and winery design, construction and equipment costs, regulatory and legislative issues, accounting and recordkeeping, financial analysis, tax considerations, typical salaries by geographical area, the minimum economic size of vineyards, the business plan, financing, product pricing, advertising, and sustainable farming and immigrant labor. This book features comprehensive case studies from 20 winery sites from coast to coast, making it an ideal resource for anyone wanting to better understand the inner workings of a successfully run winery. 

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