Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Christ and the Virgin: The Forgotten Purpose of Christianity by Samael Aun Weor

Christ and the Virgin: The Forgotten Purpose of Christianity by Samael Aun Weor

Christ and the Virgin: The Forgotten Purpose of Christianity

Christ and the Virgin: The Forgotten Purpose of Christianity by Samael Aun Weor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The energy that liberates a human being from suffering is known around the world by many names, such as Christ, Osiris-Ra, Quetzalcoatl, Jupiter, Avalokitesvara, etc. That is, Christ is a force at the very foundation of existence, and which can emerge in a properly prepared individual. Such a pure, divine energy can only be born in us through an immaculate conception, that mysterious symbol present in every great mythological and religious tradition. Bringing the Christ into the world is the duty of the Virginal Mother. The ancient Christian tradition represented the Virgin Mother just as the Egyptians did: as a virtuous, chaste woman blessed with the sacred duty of giving birth to the savior of the world. Unfortunately, over the centuries, the public was not taught about the true importance or nature of the Divine Mother, or how to work with her. Now, with the knowledge written in this book, anyone can have the precious experience of talking to their own inner Divine Mother, and be prepared for the birth of Christ within, which is the beginning of the Direct Path to absolute liberation. Topics include: What are Christ and Christianity? What is the Aquarian Age? The essential foundation of all religions Prophecies coming true now Immaculate conceptions, both spiritual and physical

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