Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Defenders of the Faith in Word and Deed by Charles Connor

Defenders of the Faith in Word and Deed by Charles Connor

Defenders of the Faith in Word and Deed

Defenders of the Faith in Word and Deed by Charles Connor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Defenders of the faith have been raised up in every era of the Church to proclaim fidelity to the truth by their words and deeds. Some have fought heresy and overcome confusion like Athanasius against the Arians and Ignatius Loyola in response to the Protestant reformers. Others have shed their blood for the faith, like the early Christian martyrs of Rome, or Thomas More, John Fisher and Edmund Campion in Reformation England.

Still others have endured a "dry" martyrdom like St. Philip Howard, Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty and Jesuit Walter Ciszek. Intellectuals have been no less conspicuous in their zealous defense of the faith, like Bonaventure, Albert, Thomas Aquinas, or Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The stories of all these,and more, are told here in this book.

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