Arizona Trout Streams and Their Hatches: Fly Fishing in the High Deserts of Arizona and Western New Mexico, Second Edition by Charles R. Meck, John Rohmer
Arizona Trout Streams and Their Hatches: Fly Fishing in the High Deserts of Arizona and Western New Mexico, Second Edition by Charles R. Meck, John Rohmer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A complete guide to Arizona's trout waters, revised and updated.
In Arizona, you'll find a variety of rivers and streams, from bottom-release tailwater fisheries to fertile high-desert creeks, from the Colorado River to the Valley of the Sun. In no other place in North America can you see Trico hatches in November and again in February and March!In this revised, updated, and expanded edition, authors Meck and Rohmer examine the state's trout waters impacted in recent years by floods, drought, and forest fires, such as Canyon and Cibecue creeks, the lower portion of the Salt River, and the Colorado and Upper Verde rivers. Coverage of many of the lakes has also been revised, and several lakes in central and southern Arizona have been added to round out this comprehensive, detailed guide. 50 black & white photos, 20 maps
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