Plenty Porter by Brandon Noonan
Plenty Porter by Brandon Noonan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A lyrical coming-of-age novel, in the tradition of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRDWhen Plenty Porter was born, she didn't have a name. Her parents had gone through all their favorites with the others. The doctor asked, "Think you'll have another?" Her mother kept her answer to herself. Her father said, "No, eleven is plenty."
I am Plenty Porter. I am plenty.
The daughter of poor share-croppers in rural Illinois, Plenty Porter is the youngest of eleven children. In their cramped, old farmhouse, with thirteen mouths needing to be fed, Plenty feels as though she is "one too many." But when she develops a special friendship with a boy named Ed-the son of a wealthy landowner-together they come to terms with what it means to be on the outside, and how the word "family" is truly defined.
A stunning debut by screenwriter Brandon Noonan, PLENTY PORTER is an evocative and poignant coming-of-age novel. Rich in texture, and masterfully crafted, PLENTY PORTER introduces a timeless heroine with an unforgettable voice.
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