Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Dracula : Asylum (Dracula (Dh Press)) (Bk. 1) by Paul Witcover

Dracula : Asylum (Dracula (Dh Press)) (Bk. 1) by Paul Witcover

Dracula : Asylum (Dracula (Dh Press)) (Bk. 1)

Dracula : Asylum (Dracula (Dh Press)) (Bk. 1) by Paul Witcover PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Since Bram Stoker first penned Dracula in 1897, this horror classic has been endlessly reinterpreted on stage, screen and print. Drawing on Universal Pictures' 1930s rendition of Count Dracula during the Golden Age of horror films, Dracula: Asylum is a bold new turn on a story that has remained a consistent favorite for over 100 years. The book follows the activities at Dr. Seward's Sanatorium, the location from which Dracula drew several victims before being destroyed by Jonathan Harker in the original story. It is now after World War I and after being gone for years Dracula is suddenly restored to earth. Trapped beneath the grounds of the madhouse, his evil reaches out into the minds of the weak and insane - and as a new crop of victims is harvested, new heroes are needed to battle this impenetrable evil. Dracula: Asylum combines intense horror, psychological tension and thrilling action to create a successor worthy of the original.

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