Bundle: Introduction to the Law of Contracts, 4th + Paralegal Online Courses - Contracts on Blackboard Printed Access Card by Martin A. Frey
Bundle: Introduction to the Law of Contracts, 4th + Paralegal Online Courses - Contracts on Blackboard Printed Access Card by Martin A. Frey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An Introduction to the Law of Contracts is now out in the 4th edition. It is still carefully organized around a comprehensive road map that takes the reader through the 6 steps of contract law, but the new edition includes added benefits. There are updated cases and examples, and each chapter ends with review questions to help reinforce the theories addressed in each chapter. The chapters also end with a checklist that helps to highlight the key concepts for the reader. The first of 6 steps investigates what body of law applies to the transaction. The next step addresses the formation of a contract, offer and acceptance. Step 3 develops limitations on the parties freedom to contract, and concepts such as infancy, illegality, duress, and unconscionability are explored. The next step looks at the plaintiff's allegation of the defendant's breach. Step 5 organizes the defendant's responses to the plaintiff's allegation of breach, categorizing it into one of two basic types that is then further explored. The final step develops the plaintiff's remedies for the defendant's breach of contract. Paralegal students and professionals alike will benefit from this thorough and highly readable book that is completely current and has a focus on retention.From reader reviews:
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