Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Mastering Flash Photography: A Course in Basic to Advanced Lighting Techniques by Susan Mccartney

Mastering Flash Photography: A Course in Basic to Advanced Lighting Techniques by Susan Mccartney

Mastering Flash Photography: A Course in Basic to Advanced Lighting Techniques

Mastering Flash Photography: A Course in Basic to Advanced Lighting Techniques by Susan Mccartney PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

All photographers - from the most inexperienced beginners, to serious advanced amateurs, to working professionals - who need to learn or improve their electronic-flash techniques will benefit from this comprehensive book. It opens with in-camera basics, such as flash fill and redeye reduction. Then the book moves to intermediate topics, including automatic- and manual-exposure flash readings, detachable units, guide numbers, and bounce flash. Next comes an advanced section that covers such methods as working with off-camera flash, remote triggers, multiple flash units, flash brackets, power packs, and light ratios. A gallery featuring the flash photography of six professionals concludes the book.

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