Wolfsong by Catharine Feher-Elston
Wolfsong by Catharine Feher-Elston PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Honored by Native Americans and other tribal peoples as a protector and persecuted by generations of Europeans and Americans, the wolf is one of the world's most misunderstood-and feared-animals. In Wolfsong, Catherine Feher-Elston examines why the wolf has provoked such intense emotions in human beings, emotions that resulted in a campaign of extermination so long-lived that, until recently, the wolf has teetered on the edge of extinction. From famous "outlaw" wolves of the early twentieth century like Ghost Wolf and Snowdrift (who had bounties on their heads) to the archetypal Father Wolf of Native American religion, Wolfsong considers the complexities of humans relationship, to the wolf.From reader reviews:
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