Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ The Golf Fanatic's Guide to Hawaii by Bryan Fryklund

The Golf Fanatic's Guide to Hawaii by Bryan Fryklund

The Golf Fanatic's Guide to Hawaii

The Golf Fanatic's Guide to Hawaii by Bryan Fryklund PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Golf Fanatic's Guide to Hawaii is a comprehensive guidebook for golfers visiting Hawaii. Featuring color photography on every page and a sophisticated layout, the enticing coverage of the top 50 publicly accessible courses in the Aloha State will excite first-timers and return visitors alike. A former resident of Maui and the Big Island, guidebook author and avid golfer Bryan Fryklund (Adventure Guide: Hawaii the Big Island) traveled to six islands, playing each course and rating its difficulty, beauty, design intrigue, maintenance, "swank value"; and price; describing the course, specific holes that personify the experience, and the "19th hole"; interviewing a course representative for playing tips, as well as information for a vital statistics chart; providing driving directions; and reviewing nearby accommodation options. With candor and humor, Fryklund inserts local color into his course descriptions and sidebars, which range from explanations of golf terms such as "links golf" to insights into Hawaiian mythology. Golf Fanatic will be an invaluable tool on the Hawaiian courses, and a treasured souvenir after returning home.

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