Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Leadership Axioms: Powerful Leadership Proverbs by Bill Hybels

Leadership Axioms: Powerful Leadership Proverbs by Bill Hybels

Leadership Axioms: Powerful Leadership Proverbs

Leadership Axioms: Powerful Leadership Proverbs by Bill Hybels PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The best leaders not only lead well but also reflect on their leadership long enough and thoughtfully enough to articulate the philosophies that cause them to do so. Whether serving in the marketplace or in ministry, as executives or rank-and-file employees, as salaried staff or volunteer servants, good leaders can pinpoint the rationale for their actions and decisions with the ease of reciting their home address. In Axiom, author Bill Hybels divulges the God-given convictions that have dictated his leadership strategy for more than three decades as senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. Oriented toward four key leadership categories … 1. Vision and strategy (“Promote Shameless Profitability,” “Take a Flyer”) 2. Teamwork and communication (“Obi-Wan Kenobi Isn’t for Hire,” “Disagree without Drawing Blood”) 3. Activity and assessment (“Develop a Mole System,” “Sweat the Small Stuff”) 4. Personal integrity (“Admit Mistakes, and Your Stock Goes Up,” “Fight for Your Family”) … Axiom brokers accessible wisdom from one leader’s journey, as well as emboldens you to nail down the reasons why you lead like you lead.

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